AI Fusion Kit

A feature-rich, highly customizable AI Chatbot Template, empowered by Next.js x Supabase.

Modern Web Tools for Chatbot App

Revolutionize the way you build chatbot applications with the power of Next.js, Server Components, and Supabase. This template provides you with a solid foundation to create cutting-edge chatbot apps that are feature-rich and responsive, all while taking advantage of the latest Next.js technology.

Next.js 14

App Router, Routing, Layouts, Route Handlers and Server Actions.

React 18

Server and Client Components. New Hooks.


Secure and high-performance Postgres backends with Supabase.


Shadcn UI, React Hook Form and styled with Tailwind CSS.


Authenticate and authorize your users with Supabase Auth.

OpenAI icon

Open AI

Using Open AI and Vercel AI SDK for building conversational streaming UI.